Can having too much domain knowledge be a bad thing?
Aug 22, 2023
Yes, too much domain knowledge can lead to biases and assumptions, potentially missing user behavior nuances.
In the land of Zephyria, there existed a mystical key master named Elara. She possessed keys to every lock, secret passage, and vault. Over time, she knew the locks so well that she believed there was no lock she couldn't open. However, one day, a child approached her with a small, peculiar box. Elara, with her vast knowledge, dismissed the box as trivial and tried all her regular keys. To her astonishment, none worked. The child, seeing her struggle, simply turned the box upside down, revealing a button that unlocked it. Sometimes, too much knowledge blinds one from seeing simpler solutions.
Having extensive domain knowledge can certainly be valuable, as it can lead to efficient decision-making and problem-solving. However, when one is deeply embedded within a specific domain, there is a risk of becoming too insular or stuck in a particular way of thinking. This can lead to overlooking fresh perspectives or innovative solutions that someone with a fresher, more naive approach might spot.
Additionally, for user behavior testers, too much domain knowledge might mean making assumptions about user behavior based on what one "knows" should happen. This can lead to overlooking critical usability issues that a new or less experienced user might encounter. Codeless and low code automation, for instance, can help bridge this gap, ensuring tests emulate diverse user behavior without the constraints of deep domain knowledge.