DoesQA Blog

Blog: Page 4

Blog: Page 4

Blog: Page 4

Should I test on multiple browsers?

Yes, you should test your application on multiple browsers to ensure consistent user experience across different platforms.

Sam Avatar


Jul 4, 2023

A framer in a field
A framer in a field
A framer in a field

What level of coverage is considered good?

A good level of coverage in software testing typically ranges between 70% to 80%. It varies based on the project's complexity, risk, and specific requirements.

Sam Avatar


Jul 3, 2023

Milkman in a race car
Milkman in a race car
Milkman in a race car

Can I write automated tests if I’m not a QA?

Yes, you can write automated tests even if you're not a Quality Assurance (QA) professional, using codeless and low-code automation tools.

Sam Avatar


Jun 30, 2023

Astronaut in space
Astronaut in space
Astronaut in space

Are QAs responsible for fixing bugs?

QAs are responsible for identifying and reporting bugs, collaborating with developers to understand the root causes, and ensuring their resolution.

Sappo Avatar


Jun 16, 2023

a talented sculptor carving a beautiful masterpiece out of stone
a talented sculptor carving a beautiful masterpiece out of stone
a talented sculptor carving a beautiful masterpiece out of stone

Why Does Code Produce Bugs?

Code produces bugs due to human error, complexity, and changing requirements, leading to logic, syntax, and implementation mistakes.

Sappo Avatar


Jun 13, 2023

a top sandwich chef
a top sandwich chef
a top sandwich chef

Is Automation Replacing Manual Testing?

No, manual testing is not being replaced. It continues to play a vital role in software quality assurance by providing unique insights into user behaviour and ensuring exceptional user experiences.

Sappo Avatar


Jun 12, 2023

Mission control team inspecting rocket
Mission control team inspecting rocket
Mission control team inspecting rocket

Does QA Save Money?

Yes, Quality Assurance (QA) can save money by identifying and preventing defects early in the software development lifecycle, reducing rework costs and enhancing customer satisfaction.

Sappo Avatar


Jun 9, 2023

adventurer in a magical forest
adventurer in a magical forest
adventurer in a magical forest

Why test accessibility in test automation?

To test accessibility in test automation, incorporate automated accessibility testing tools, manual testing with assistive technologies, and review accessibility guidelines.

Sappo Avatar


Jun 8, 2023


Does QA require coding?

No, Quality Assurance (QA) does not necessarily require coding.

Sappo Avatar


Jun 7, 2023

Robot conductor
Robot conductor
Robot conductor

Does Record-and-Playback create good Automation Tests?

No, record and playback does not create good tests.

Sappo Avatar


Jun 6, 2023

Sandcastle inspector
Sandcastle inspector
Sandcastle inspector

What does “QA” do?

Quality Assurance (QA) is the process of ensuring that software meets established standards and expectations. It comprehensively evaluates the software's functionality, performance, usability, and overall quality.

Sappo Avatar


Jun 5, 2023

A Manual Tester’s Guide to CSS Selectors for Test Automation

This how-to guide will help fill that gap and turn you from a “manual“ tester to an automation testing machine!

Sappo Avatar


Jun 2, 2023